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Rev. Andria Skornik of Emmanuel Episcopal Church - Vegetarianism and Faith: Exploring the connections between religion, spirituality, and the choices we make about food in an Adobe PDF format: Vegetarianism and Faith: Exploring the connections between religion, spirituality, and the choices we make about food

Lyn Bement's Organic Gardening and Composting in an Adobe PDF format: Lyn Bement's Organic Gardening and Composting

Dr. Baskin's Presentation on Probiotics and Nutriceuticals: Food as Medicine in an Adobe PDF format: Dr. Baskin's Presentation on Probiotics and Nutriceuticals: Food as Medicine

Dr. Greenlaw's Presentation on Epigenetics in an Adobe PDF format: Dr. Greenlaw's Presentation on Epigenetics

Dean Thomas, M.D. The Obesity Epidemic in an Adobe PDF format: The Obesity Epidemic

Rachel Leon's April presentation recipes in an Adobe PDF format: Rachel Leon's April presentation recipes

Mary Ann Suprenant December Vegan recipes in an Adobe PDF format: Mary Ann Suprenant December Vegan recipes

Liz Fiorenza's Cold and Flu Remedies in an Adobe PDF format: Liz Fiorenza's Cold and Flu Remedies

Interesting Information:


Find out why millions choose a vegetarian diet at www.vegforlife.org.

Brenda Richter's company: My Raw Energy. Phone number: 815-543-1207; email:  myrawenergy@yahoo.com.

CHIP, Coronary Health Improvement Project   

    For information on upcoming CHIP classes throughout the world visit the Coronary Health Improvement Project official website at http://www.chipusa.org

    Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

             21-Day Vegan Kickstart Program www.21daykickstart.org

Sue Michaelsen

For assistance and training for people and pets: Jin Shin Do®, Bodymind AcupressureTM, Massage Therapy, Qigong & Tai Chi, and Compassionate Pet Grooming go to www.suemichaelsen.com

Jill Ovnik

Founder of vegangal.com, "Ambassadors for the Solution"

Sharon Wynstra, D.Ed.,  Homeopathic ConsultantConstitutional Homeopathy treats the whole person using micro-doses of remedies that are gentle, non-toxic, harmless and without side effects. The goal is to restore inner balance and heal the mind-body connection.

See Mind, Body, Spirit of Rockford - Alternative Healing in the Rockford Area 

and British Institute of Homeopathy - Meet our tutors

Cancer Project Nutrition Rainbow



Healthy Holiday Recipes

Four Healthy Vegetarian Thanksgivng Recipes Even Meateaters Will Love!http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=97137098&ps=rs

A Vegan Chef Dishes Up Thanksgiving http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/04/a-vegan-chef-dishes-up-thanksgiving/

For information about adding your vegetarian class or event to this page, or to add a link to your web site, click here.


email: info@vimlife.org

Vegetarians in Motion

Rockford, Illinois


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