Vegans only eat food that comes from a plant. They do not eat meat, eggs, or dairy products. Some vegans do not eat honey because it is made by bees.
Lacto Vegetarians do not eat meat or eggs but they do eat dairy products.
Ovo Vegetarians do not eat meat or dairy products but they do eat eggs.
Lacto-ovo Vegetarians do not eat meat but they do eat eggs and dairy products.
Pesco Vegetarians eat fish, eggs, and dairy products. They do not eat red or poultry.
Fruitarians eat only fruits, nuts and seeds. They do not eat meat, eggs, dairy products, or the roots of any plants such as carrots.
Raw or Living Foodists eat only raw plant foods because they believe that cooking destroys enzymes. They do not eat meat, eggs, or dairy products or any plant product that has been cooked.
Vegetarians in Motion
Rockford, Illinois